Example of Hortatory Text

Some Cons for Smoking Habit

“A fiddling habit may give a big wallop in our life.”
One of the fiddling habits which may affect us hereafter is the smoking habit. Nowadays, smoking habit has been a common activity to do. Many people love to smoke, and there are a lot of cigarettes brands to affirm their hobby. On the other hand, the rest believe that smoking should be banned. Because it gives more disadvantages than the beneficial one. Here, I am on the same shoes with those cons, since the fact proves that the smoking habit gives bad effect in many aspects of life.

    Firstly, smoking habit affect harmfully on the health of smokers, not only the active smokers but also the passive one. Cigarettes, as we have known, contain about 2000 motleys of chemical substances. Those substances will be imbibed into smokers’ respiratory organ system. By the time the quantity of the illegal substances will be increased and it can be the cause of some diseases, such as heart disease, asthma, emphysema and other respiratory illnesses. Moreover, the fact shows that the hardly addicted smokers have shorter lifespan than those who do not smoke.

   Secondly, apart from the healthiness issue, smoking also bear upon negatively on the economic side. Smokers spend about half of their earnings to pay for cigarettes. The addicted one even will spend higher as they need more cigarettes to be consumed. If those smokers try not to buy cigarettes in a month, perhaps they will have more money for saving or purchasing goods.

   By points above, I believe that government needs to ban smoking. However, the outlawry of smoking habit should not be done like a shot. It should be done time by time since stopping addicted smokers is not that easy.


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Safir dan Rubi

(Untuk Bumi ini)
by: Meri Harlida

Deru nafasku berpacu

Lewati dentuman-dentuman maut

Yang tertawa dan menari, lalu mencekik semuanya

Letih jiwa ini

Lelah bermandi darah bukan peluh

Safir kini tak lagi biru

Kini ia kelabu Read the rest of this entry

Wew, Boneka Apaan, nih?

by: Meri Harlida

Ada yang pernah liat boneka ini?


Yap, poop dool =,=
Boneka berbentuk poop alias eek yang entah siapa pencetus ide pembuatannya -,-
Pagi ini, saya dan anak kamar C-104 ngebahas tentang si boneka eek, mulai googling gambar ampe nyari toko yang ngejualnya.

Heboh poop doll ini berawal dari salah satu senior penghuni C-104 yang terobsesi sama hal-hal berbentuk poop/bukan eek beneran-,-V Read the rest of this entry

Kucing Kriminal

by: Meri Harlida

Kucing, bener, K.U.C.I.N.G. atau dalam bahasa daerah saya, cat :v

Ternyata, kalo mereka stay  di asrama , bikin susah-,- Well, makhluk berkaki empat yang lucu dan banyak penggemarnya ini menjadi salah satu pelaku kriminalisme di asrama SMAN Sumatera Selatan, khususnya di asrama C, tempat saya bernaung selama satu setengah tahun ini/halaaah!

Kok bisa? Read the rest of this entry


created by: Meri Harlida

Angin musim dingin kembali membelai bumi, seperti biasa, aromanya kelabu dan sunyi. Di sini, di bangku taman kota yang berselimut salju tipis, dua orang remaja tengah duduk menekuri rumput-rumput beku. Itu… kita. Kau, yang berjaket biru, bertopi, tanpa syal, seorang Kaukasoid yang membuatku selalu merasa nyaman. Dan aku, gadis Asia aneh yang percaya pada Santa, orang yang selalu berharap keajaiban akan terjadi.

“Aku berharap dia menyukaiku,” katamu, entah padaku atau pada rumput-rumput berambut salju. Dan aku berharap kau memang berbicara pada rumput-rumput itu, bukan padaku, jadi aku tidak perlu menanggapi apa-apa.

 “Sudah banyak yang aku lakukan untuk membuatnya menyadari kehadiranku. Tapi, dia tidak pernah peka.” Aku menunduk, menarik topi musim dingin rajutan Mom hingga menutupi kedua telingaku.    Berusaha untuk tidak mendengar apa yang kau katakan tentang perasaanmu pada gadis Norway itu. Read the rest of this entry


By Meri Harlida

Saat kelam kembali mencumbu

Ambang jiwa dihadapan mata,

tapi diri terjaga

Enggan hati tinggalkan maya

Terpaku mata,

pada dunia dalam dunia

pada dialog tanpa lidah

Read the rest of this entry